Happy "Surprise" Birthday Party for
Heidi Bingaman
A GREAT PARTY with food, fun, family, friends, and LOVE
and of course great music provided by...

"The Lucky Afternoon Band"

Daughters Lindsey, Audrey, Leah, Emily, and husband Chris planned for months and pulled off the PERFECT tribute for a wonderful lady, wife, mother, grandmother, and friend.

It's party time to celebrate Heidi

A band photo op with daughters Lindsey, Audrey, and Leah

A beautiful mid-March day

Fero Winery in Lewisburg was a beautiful venue...

...and decorated by Heidi's daughters!

Great job ladies...!!

The food was catered and tasted delicious!

The band enjoying the feast

Drummer Schrampie and Bassist Stick sharing the love!

Official Videographer David Newberry and wife Rhiannon were great to work with.  The link to their business website will appear here as soon as we receive it.

These two pictures...

...look very similar!!!

The guests were arriving...

... and the banquet room quickly filled up!

Well, here comes our honored guest Heidi...
totally unaware it's her party


Heidi is in shock...

...as the band sings "Happy Birthday"

Heartfelt tributes to Heidi from family and friends

A special song from Chris to Heidi with love

A beautiful and truly meaningful song, "You Light Up My Life"

Thank you Fero Winery staff

Even the little ones (held here by Aunt Audrey) were wearing wigs for the "Wig Party"

The party guests wore MANY different types of wigs!!

Stick kickin' out a little Chicago

Time to take this party to the next level

Dave and Heidi were high school classmates and friends!

Dancing with Heidi's daughters Leah and Audrey

A little country music for Audrey...?  LOL

Three Selinsgrove High School classmates...
Heidi, Dave, and Barb!

Pappy Chris trying to do YMCA with one arm!

And there it is...

Sue needed to rest on the "I had too much wine" couch!
On a personal note, it was an honor and joy to be asked to be a part of such a wonderful event planned by a wonderful family.  "Heidi, I'm grateful to call you my friend so many years ago, reconnect with Chris, and meet and get to know your four precious daughters.  God HAS blessed you and may He continue to bless you with MANY more years of health, love, and happiness"  Dave Stamm
An AWESOME and fun party for Heidi given by her husband Chris and their four daughters Emily, Lindsey, Lea, and Audrey.  All their time, planning, generosity, and hard work made this birthday party...
one to remember!

Thank You for making the Lucky Afternoon Band a part of  it!







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e-mail and say hello....


We'd love to hear from you!